Wednesday 14 January 2015

Rocksmith 2014

Along with using a professional guitar tutor I am also using Rocksmith 2014 on the PS3 to aid my learning of new songs. For those who don't know what Rocksmith is think of it as game that teaches you how to play guitar. It isn't without its flaws, after all it is only a game but what it does do is get somebody like me playing my guitar for hours on end learning new songs and practising techniques.
Guitar tutors are right to be sceptical as it certainly wont pick on on my bad habits such as not playing with finger tips or not muting strings correctly but it does keep you playing.

See below for a video of somebody playing Knights of Cydonia

My own progress is nowhere near as good as this but i know that with time there is no reason why I too wont be about to play the song to this standard.
Below are screen shots of my own progress of various song, apologies for not having a video of audio of myself, this is something I will remedy of future posts.

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